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  CONSULTAS (14)  
0.0109  SELECT z.name,z.alias,c.CountryCode,c.location,c.continent,c.top,SUM(c.coefficient) as cuenta FROM categories c INNER JOIN zones z ON z.location = c.CountryCode WHERE z.alias = 'turquia' AND c.troncal = 1 GROUP BY c.CountryCode ORDER BY cuenta DESC
0.0114  SELECT lm.action_name,lm.creation_date,lm.dt1,lm.dt2,c.CountryCode,lm.minute,c.coefficient,c.top,dt1.basealias as basealias1,dt2.basealias as basealias2 FROM live_matches_history lm INNER JOIN leagues l ON lm.league_id = l.id INNER JOIN categories c ON c.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN datateams dt1 ON dt1.id = lm.dt1 INNER JOIN datateams dt2 ON dt2.id = lm.dt2 WHERE c.location != 'es' AND c.continent = 'eu' AND lm.creation_date > '2025-02-22 10:35:26' ORDER BY lm.creation_date DESC LIMIT 8
0.0119  SELECT lm.action_name,lm.creation_date,lm.dt1,lm.dt2,c.CountryCode,lm.minute,c.coefficient,c.top,dt1.basealias as basealias1,dt2.basealias as basealias2 FROM live_matches_history lm INNER JOIN leagues l ON lm.league_id = l.id INNER JOIN categories c ON c.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN datateams dt1 ON dt1.id = lm.dt1 INNER JOIN datateams dt2 ON dt2.id = lm.dt2 WHERE c.location != 'es' AND c.continent = 'eu' AND lm.creation_date > '2025-02-16 10:35:26' ORDER BY lm.creation_date DESC LIMIT 15
0.0505  SELECT z.name,z.alias,cat.location,SUM(cat.coefficient) as coefficient FROM leagues l INNER JOIN categories as cat ON cat.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN calendars_all as c ON c.league_id = l.id LEFT JOIN zones z ON z.location = cat.location WHERE cat.continent = 'eu' AND cat.location!='es' AND c.date = '2025-02-23' GROUP BY cat.location ORDER BY coefficient DESC
0.0216  SELECT z.name as zname,z.alias as zalias, cat.location, l.id,cat.alias, cat.name, l.group_code, l.total_group, cat.CountryCode,max(c.shedule) ult_partido,min(c.shedule) ini_partido, cat.coefficient FROM leagues l INNER JOIN categories as cat ON cat.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN calendars_all as c ON c.league_id = l.id LEFT JOIN zones z ON z.location = cat.location WHERE cat.CountryCode = 'tr' AND c.date = '2025-02-23' GROUP BY l.id ORDER BY coefficient DESC,group_code ASC LIMIT 70
0.0329  SELECT c.id AS mid, l.year,cat.coefficient,l.id FROM leagues l INNER JOIN categories as cat ON cat.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN calendars_all as c ON c.league_id = l.id WHERE cat.CountryCode = 'tr' AND cat.ctype IN (1,3,12,34,36) AND c.shedule >= '2025-02-23 00:00:00' AND c.shedule < '2025-02-23 23:59:59' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY coefficient DESC,shedule ASC LIMIT 100
0.0236  SELECT l.year,cat.coefficient,c.extra,c.datateam1,c.datateam2,c.id as mid,c.r1,c.r2,c.shedule,c.team1,c.team2,l.id,dt1.nameShow as nameShow1,dt2.nameShow as nameShow2,dt1.basealias as basealias1,dt2.basealias as basealias2,c.comments as totalcomments,c.betId,c.betId_bwin,c.betId_marca,c.betId_888,c.betId_sportium, c.betId_marathon, c.penaltis1,c.penaltis2,c.prorroga,c.status,c.minute,c.finished FROM leagues l INNER JOIN categories as cat ON cat.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN calendars2025 as c ON c.league_id = l.id INNER JOIN teams t1 ON t1.id = c.team1 INNER JOIN teams t2 ON t2.id = c.team2 INNER JOIN datateams dt1 ON dt1.id = t1.teamId INNER JOIN datateams dt2 ON dt2.id = t2.teamId WHERE cat.CountryCode = 'tr' AND cat.ctype IN (1,3,12,34,36) AND c.id IN (37156,37151,37159,72710,72713,72707,72715,86814,194041,194453,194043,194454,194044,194455,194242,194456,194243,194457,194244,194458,194245,194246,194038,194247,194039,194248,194040,194452,194662,195693,194896,195936,195460,194663,195694,194897,196187,195461,194664,195695,194898,196189,195462,194665,195696,194899,196190,195463,194666,195929,195257,196191,195464,194667,195930,195258,196192,195465,194668,195931,195259,195689,194892,195932,195260,195690,194893,195933,195261,195691,194894,195934,195262,195692,194895,195935,195459,196186) AND c.shedule >= '2025-02-23 00:00:00' AND c.shedule < '2025-02-23 23:59:59' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY coefficient DESC,shedule ASC LIMIT 200
0.0112  SELECT name,eventId,odds,id_,live_id, link FROM bet_relations WHERE eventId IN (169974777, 169974773, 169974780, 169974784, 170046074, 170046078) AND typeId=40 AND site='bet365' ORDER BY eventId ASC
0.0683  SELECT name,eventId,odds,id_,live_id, link FROM bet_relations WHERE eventId IN () AND typeId=40 AND site='bwin' ORDER BY eventId ASC
0.0683  SELECT name,eventId,odds,id_,live_id, link FROM bet_relations WHERE eventId IN () AND typeId=40 AND site='marca' ORDER BY eventId ASC
0.0683  SELECT name,eventId,odds,id_,live_id, link FROM bet_relations WHERE eventId IN () AND typeId=40 AND site='b888sport' ORDER BY eventId ASC
0.0683  SELECT name,eventId,odds,id_,live_id, link FROM bet_relations WHERE eventId IN () AND typeId=40 AND site='sportium' ORDER BY eventId ASC
0.0683  SELECT name,eventId,odds,id_,live_id, link FROM bet_relations WHERE eventId IN () AND typeId=40 AND site='mbet' ORDER BY eventId ASC
0.0683  (SELECT c.id,rel.media_id,rel.data,c.shedule, med.lang FROM leagues l INNER JOIN categories as cat ON cat.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN calendars2026 as c ON c.league_id = l.id INNER JOIN rel_media_match as rel ON rel.team1 = c.team1 AND rel.team2 = c.team2 AND (rel.media_id < 90000 OR rel.media_id = 99001) INNER JOIN media AS med ON rel.media_id=med.id WHERE (med.lang='es' OR med.language='spanish') AND cat.CountryCode = 'tr' AND c.shedule >= '2025-02-23 00:00:00' AND c.shedule < '2025-02-23 23:59:59') UNION (SELECT c.id,rel.media_id,rel.data,c.shedule, med.lang FROM leagues l INNER JOIN categories as cat ON cat.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN calendars2025 as c ON c.league_id = l.id INNER JOIN rel_media_match as rel ON rel.team1 = c.team1 AND rel.team2 = c.team2 AND (rel.media_id < 90000 OR rel.media_id = 99001) INNER JOIN media AS med ON rel.media_id=med.id WHERE (med.lang='es' OR med.language='spanish') AND cat.CountryCode = 'tr' AND c.shedule >= '2025-02-23 00:00:00' AND c.shedule < '2025-02-23 23:59:59') ORDER BY field(lang,'es') DESC, shedule ASC